Youth Leadership Group 3 day Site Visit August 2021: Day 2
September 14, 2021Two members of our Youth Leadership Group explore the area of erosion around Gillfeet Gill West

On the first day of their three day visit to Wild Garsdale Pike our YLG spent the day mapping the land. Working in 3 groups, each covering a different area, they explored and recorded what they found. Each member had chosen how they wanted to record their findings – some drew and sketched, others took photos and videos and some collected specimens of plants to identify.
In the afternoon they met with farmers Lindsay and Austin, who previously owned the land at Garsdale Pike and who have farmed in the area for 40 years. This gave our young people a real insight into farming in Garsdale, they heard how things had changed over this time, had the opportunity to ask questions and enjoyed some funny stories too.

In the evening the whole group got together and started work on creating a large map of the land. They all contributed the things they had recorded – drawings, plant specimens, descrptions.